Besides boxing things up (and countless trips to Goodwill and to the transfer station) we have been having some electrical work done to bring the house up to current code (200 amp service and 18' clearance over the driveway). The power has also been undergrounded to reconnect the shop where our belongings are now stored and the barn, adding an RV outlet for use when we're "home".
This morning at shortly after 7:30 a.m. (groan) a big PP&L truck appeared in our driveway to connect the new service.
Disconnected the power with a long pole
Then into the bucket for a ride to the rooftop.
Snip, snip.
Playing with electricity in the rain. So much fun.
Removed disconnect pole.
And done. Took about 15 minutes total.
The power will be off in the house until this afternoon as the old panel tuned out to be full of rusty connections and needs to be replaced before connecting to the new panel. But the RV outlet is in and we have power in the rolling house. I can sit at my desk and work with a view down the driveway.