Well fans, it's been a long exciting summer again but I think that it must be almost over because it's getting cold in the mornings now. Mom has told you about most of the things we have done though she has missed a few important details.
She told you about when we went back to our old house and other dogs and other people live there now. We don't care as it is very hot there.
Then she told you about Bullard's Beach and how our brother Hiro and sister Delta and Grandma Phoebe visited us. And we had to be in ex-pens sometimes.
But we got to play on the beach together.
She didn't tell you about Grandma Phoebe eating sand and getting plugged up. It turns out that eating sand is not too good for dogs. Mom talked to our aunt Mandy and she reminded us that dogs can take Miralax. Our dog-mom Hannah takes it all of the time. Jamie and Catherine thought they might have to take Grandma Phoebe to the vet but the Miralax worked all over the campground and she was ok.
Happy times!
Then mom told you how we went to the Marina at Newport but she didn't tell you that my dog-father Wally came to visit with his humans and with our cousin Buzz.
Newport is a really good place for dogs to stay though they do charge an extra $2.00 per dog per day for all dogs after the first one. There are lots and lots of places to walk and we practiced how quickly we could get to the hill in case there was a tsunami.
After we left Newport we went to Fort Stevens State Park. We went there last summer too. There are lots of places to walk there and lots of things to see.
We had to share the trails with lots of people on bicycles which was ok most of the time but sometimes the bicycle people were rude.
They said that there were bears and cougars there but we didn't see any.
But we saw deer.
And we saw really big slugs.
Hiro and Delta and Phoebe came to visit for a couple of days but we didn't play on the beach much this time. It isn't as good a place for free dogs on the beach because there are too many people and other dogs.
Mom and Dad and Jamie and Catherine went to the beach and saw these:
This one flew right over Dad.
It looks like fun but I'm not sure a dog could do it.
After Fort Stevens we went to Artic which is another of our favorite places.
We walked on the path by the big spruce tree.
And then Aunt Louise brought Spencer and Styx to visit again. We went to Grayland Beach and played.
I even got in the water a little.

"Come and get me!"
My sister Dodah is fun to play with.
Do you know what lives in the creek river at Artic? These!
Some neighbors in the park caught these and were sorting out the females to throw back. They were going to boil and eat the males. Can you imagine?
After just one too-short week we had to leave Artic and the ocean. We spent just one night at Wanapum State Park on the Columbia River. We didn't even get a chance to play in the water.
Then it was on to Idaho. It was aunt Mandy's birthday so Mom and Dad and Mandy went out without us to celebrate.
Then something very bad happened.
Our Grumpy Grandma Alice was old and had been sick. Huxley tried and tried to make her better by licking her any time he could but it didn't work. On August 6th Mandy came to visit us and brought Dodah's and my dog-mom Hannah to visit and then the three humans and Hannah and Grandma Alice left and when they came back everyone was sad and Grandma Alice wasn't with them.
We know what happened. This has been very hard on everyone but especially on Huxley who says that Alice was "the love of his life". He has not had much enthusiasm or appetite still and it has been over two weeks already.
We were staying at Blackwell Island RV Park at Coeur d'Alene. One of the apple trees that was in the park was dropping its fruit everywhere.
I kept thinking how much Grandma Alice would have loved those apples.
Mandy brought many of our family to visit us, including Dodah's younger half-brother Spot and half-sister Frankie and their dog-dad Pie. They were lots of fun for us to play with and to walk with. The park is right on the lake and there are places for dogs to swim.
There is a good fenced dog-yard at the RV park too.
And there was a fire hydrant that was dressed up like a minion!
It was a very noisy place to stay with lots of kids on bicycles and scooters but the weather was good. We can stay there again.
We spent one night in Missoula at the KOA there. It is a nice green park with good dog yards.
Up and at 'em Mom. Get your coffee because it's time to move on!
What do you mean "Dogs don't belong on the counter?"
From Missoula it was a short day's drive to Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park.
Bo-oring. Quiet and not too many other dogs and no place much to walk except around the loop. Dogs can't go to the caverns. They have some kennel runs by the visitor center that dogs can stay in while their humans go have fun but we didn't have to do that because we have an RV.
Then another short drive to Grizzly RV Park in West Yellowstone.
Dodah barked at this statue. She is so dum she thought it was a real bear.
Here's our camp site there. It's a really pretty RV park.
It got kind of smokey though. But everyone says it's smokey all over now, even the places that we already were this summer.
There isn't any dog yard at the RV park. They say that you can walk around the perimeter of the park next to the fence.
Or you can walk through the gate and on to some snowmobile roads. Good thing there's no snow yet!
They said we had to be careful because there are bears in those woods.
We had the most fun walking a few blocks to the little downtown. Me and Dodah and Huxley all got to walk that way and we were good dogs and it was fun.
Window shopping and meeting people makes us happy.
And now we are in Yellowstone National Park and there are BIG ANIMALS in the campground!
See this? It is a young male bison which is right in our campsite! Mom saw it through the window and we couldn't go outside for our walk until it was gone.
We plan to be here for a while. We are camping with Aunt Leslie and Uncle Terry and their dog Paddington who is a Pomeranian but a different color than Teddy. It is cold in the mornings and we heard that it could even snow before we leave!