Opening night at
the Britt, and second night of the fortieth anniversary tour for
CSN. Go ahead, make me feel old.

Of course no cameras were permitted during the concert, not that my camera does well at night anyway. But I clicked a few of the venue while we relaxed, ate dinner, and waited.

The performance was sold out, and we were only able to get lawn seats in spite of being Britt members.
We left the house around 2, got to the then bottom of the line just after 3. Gate opened at 5:45 with the concert starting at 7:30. It gave lots of time for people-watching and for catching up on some reading. It made for a relaxing afternoon. No programs to modify, no blackberries to kill.
On Saturday there were thunderstorms with something like an inch of rain in the area (only a few thunderclaps and no rain at our house). Fortunately yesterday the clouds brought no rain, but it was cold once the sun went down. We had an extra blanket and sweatshirts and were still chilled. Some people were way under-dressed and I sure they were sorry. On the plus side: no yellow jackets out to attack the picnics. On the minus side: where are those hot-flashes when you need them?