I think that I've mentioned before how much I love road trips. Ok, so I've mentioned it many times. I'm sure that some of you don't understand it so I'll try to show you exactly why. Cut me some slack in the quality of the images as most were taken from the Prius in motion. It also became more difficult to take acceptable pictures as the windshield became encrusted with bug bodies.
From Friday 09/24/08

Mount Thielsen, about an hour from home in the southern Cascades.

Click on this view to enlarge it. Hwy 138 as it leads down to 97. I always think that it looks like "the road to nowhere".

More of Crooked River. This shows the railroad bridge, taken from the old Hwy 97 bridge.

And the new 97 bridge taken from the old bridge.

The Columbia, late afternoon heading east on I-84. I tried to get pictures of the windfarm, but none of them really came out. The white windmills did not show up against the broken clouds.

The Columbia near sunset 09/28/08, from I-84 westbound.
From Monday morning, 09/29

View of Mt Hood as I close Louise's gate.

Sunrise over Tygh Valley.

A flock of wild turkeys crossing the road, Tygh Valley.

And a couple of pictures which are just essential "Eastern Oregon".