We spent the last two months of 2015 back at Two Springs RV Resort. We enjoy it: easy living without having to move frequently, a dog yard for the dogs plus room for their pen. The Verizon coverage is not as good as we would hope for and the park wifi - well, it's fine until people start getting there and using it.
It's a little sad: some of the sites are for sale due to the health of their owners and some of the usual people either aren't here this year or will not be back. Several lots are for sale, some even with fifth-wheels included. We were able to buy an umbrella table and chairs from one couple and mom bought their golf cart.
She had resisted buying a cart for the last few years but now we are both glad that she has it. It makes carting clothes up to the laundry room and back so much easier.
The weather was enjoyable for sitting out on the patio through November and the first part of December. And we made new friends who enjoy some of the same things we do, i.e. good beer and wine.
We met twotravelers through RVillage. Like us they are full-timers. Originally from San Antonio they now summer in McMinnville Oregon and winter in the desert.
We enjoyed several fine sunsets together.
Our first outing together was to the annual Hops and Props Festival at the Palm Springs Air Museum.
Until then, we had no idea that there were so many fine breweries in the area.
We also did an evening touring the Palm Springs Happy Hour scene.
Here we are at the ever-popular Wang's in the Desert.

From Wang's we went to Lulu's California Bistro and finished up at Rio Azul. It was a night of M's for the two female members of our party: we had Mai Tais at Wang's, Mojitos at Lulu's and of course Margaritas at Rio Azul. Note to remember: Rio Azul served their house Margaritas with the rims garnished with a sugar/salt/red chili powder mixture.
We introduce twotravelers to the Indio Tamale Festival, which should become an annual event for us.
The beer selection unfortunately was pretty sad.
The beer selection unfortunately was pretty sad.
We took a dozen tamales home from Bennet's and enjoyed them together at Mom's house a week or so later.
We spent an afternoon at an RV show in Indio followed by a stop at the new La Quinta BrewingCo Ttaproom in Old Town La Quinta.
I saw one RV I would have traded for: a Newmar Ventana 3636. Two baths, fireplace, and of course discontinued. Ah well we're not ready to upgrade yet anyway.
And that was the day the first of the winter storms started rolling through.
We had planned to hike at the Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve but like last December it was just too cold. So instead we went out for some more great local brews.
This is at Babe's Bar-B-Que and Brewhouse in La Quinta.
And this is La Quinta Brewing Co Brewery
I can vouch for the Nitro Koffi Porter.
And then on to what I think we all agree is our favorite:
Coachella Valley Brewing in Thousand Palms. They have some wonderful IPAs including Monument on Fire IPA made with Hatch Chilis. Don't knock it until you've tried it! I have previously been more of a porter/stout person but I am developing a taste for IPA's.
Before we left Palm Springs we finally visited Dillon's Burgers and Beer, a roadhouse on the outskirts of Desert Hot Springs.
Signs over bar include "Hang Overs Installed and Serviced"
This is the restroom soap dispenser.
I believe that it probably is the oldest . . .
Things learned at Dillon's: Hangar 24 Triple IPA. So good.
Now lest you think that all we did was eat, drink, and be merry: we did also make our annual pilgrimage to Joshua Tree, again glad to introduce Ken and Cathy to a new place.
We found some different areas this trip, including an old catch basin.
A rock that some said looked like the head of a duck.
Keys View:
Tom points out the San Andreas fault to Ken.
The Jumping Cholla Garden:
Then there were the holidays. We all did the park Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Eve gift exchange. The latter went on approximately forever and we may skip it next year.
On December 29th was the park's annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade. I helped mom decorate her cart and I decorated my bicycle to ride behind.
The parade was made a lot more fun with the addition of adult beverages. And as we started lining up around 4:30 but didn't leave until dark there was a lot of time for the use of the adult beverages.
Next year: Teddy will stay home as it was a bit much for her. And I will ride with mom instead of on the bicycle. The parade was much to slow for a bike as they had to keep stopping to talk to people.

I have to share this vintage trailer ornament that Jamie and Catherine sent us. It's not just for Christmas.