Leaving Watford City - quickly - we continued south on Hwy 85 toward our stopping place for the night.
The view from the road down toward the Little Missouri was like a scene from an old western.
Even from the lot while registering, we could tell this was going to be another special place.
Must be wildlife around here somewhere . . .
Oh look! There's a bison now.
Oh look. There are three more bison. In the road.
And believe me, they walk v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.
"What are you looking at?"
Eventually they meandered into the grass to graze and we were able to continue on to the campground.
This looks like a good spot:
See the light glimmering line in the background?
This is what was in back of our camp site: our own spot on the Little Missouri river. That's river #7 for the trip, by the way.
A little farther downstream there was a place where there had been much trampling of large hoofs.
Just to demonstrate the size of the cow pies buffalo pies they leave.
Yes. Bison in the campground. While walking the dogs, Kady found and scooped up a hank of hair that one had left. It was surprisingly soft; not what I had expected.
A wild flower of a species I haven't seen in the west. I don't count North Dakota as "west".
Evening comes and light dances on the water.