At Shore Acres this month.
Cherry Parfait - 2003
Cinco de Mayo - 2009
Crimson Bouquet - 299
Dick Clark - 2011
Dream Come True - 2008
Easy Does It - 2010
Fourth of July - 1999
Golden Showers - 1957
A climbing rose. Tom opined that if developed today it would be named differently.
Honey Perfume - 2004
Hot Cocoa - 2003
Julia Child - 2006
Perfect. Buxom and Flavorfull.
Love and Peace - 2002
Memorial Day - 2004
New Beginning - 1989
A miniature rose.
Rainbow Sorbet - 2006
Sunshine Daydream - the 2012 winner
Tournament of Roases - 1989
Another shot of Tournament of Roses.
Walking on Sunshine - 2011
Wild Blue Yonder - 2006
This rose was in the main portion of the park. I don't have a year, but the tag said its name was "Just Joey".