Thursday, May 31, 2018

Happy Trails with Dora - Fort Stevens - May 2018

When you go camping at Fort Stevens and you get to go to the beach, make sure that your people take you to the right place for dogs.  Don't go to the Peter Iredale beach where there are too many people all of the time for dogs to play good. That where the blue marker is on the map.  Go over to the other side where the Columbia River is and you can see Washington.

Another good place is out by the breakwater at the very end of the land.

Here is me and my sister Kady on the river-beach. There are very good tings to smell and taste here.

Oh, wait.  WATER!!

Our brother Hiro and his family came and played and Hiro likes the water almost as much as I do!

Here we are with Hiro's mom and human-sister Nora who has almost the same name as me.

Break over, back to the water!

Come On In!