Sunday, March 12, 2017

Desert in Bloom - Coachella Valley Preserve

Jamie, Catherine, and Nora visited us for the week. It was their first time to the region, so a great time for site-seeing places we have been before. But this year is different: we have had an extraordinary (for the desert) amount of rain. The wildflower bloom and the green in the area are extraordinary.

We were lucky in that the only windy day was Sunday and the rest of the week was progressively warmer.

Where the water bubbles up at the San Andreas Fault.

Family Portraits.

The preserve is a lizard habitat for several species. This one was a good 8" long.

 Desert mistletoe

 San Gorgonio in the distance.

The plaque at the top of the viewpoint gave me pause. Too young, but the same age that I would have been if the episode in 2013 had been the end of me. Enjoy every moment.

Views from above.

So many flowers this year!

Catherine and Nora.